Categories and subcategories
You can use categories to sort your articles by their subject. When posting an article to your newspaper, you can then attach these categories to your articles to help your viewers find them. Here are a few examples of good categories for your newspaper:
- News
- Humor
- Opinion
- Sports
- Student Life
Within these categories you can create specific subcategories for your articles. These will show up under a drop-down menu for your root category.
You can choose the categories for your articles on the right hand side of your article editor by checking the boxes that you want to apply. An article can belong to multiple categories.
##Creating and nesting categories
To create a category, go to Posts on the left hand toolbar of the newspaper editor and select Categories from the drop-down menu that appears. From here you can edit the names of categories that already exist, or create new ones. Fill in the name of the category you want to create in the form titled Name. Fill in the Slug, which will serve as the article's listing in the url of your newspaper, in the next form. If you are nesting this category in a larger category, select the larger category from the dropdown menu marked Parent. Select Add New Category to save your addition.
To make your category show up on the top bar of your newspaper, go to Appearance on the left hand toolbar of the newspaper editor and select Menus from the drop-down menu that appears. On this page you can add, delete, and edit categories in your menu configuration. To add a category, select the category you want from the checklist on the left hand side of the page and select Add to Menu. You might have to click View All to find the category you are looking for.
The category will now be added to the bottom of your menu tree which appears in the center of the page. You can reposition this category by dragging its box around the tree, and by doing this you can also nest one menu category within another. To delete a category from the menu, click the arrow next to its name and select Remove from the menu that will drop down. In that menu, you can also change the name that will represent a category on the top-bar of your site. To do this, type your new title into the box marked Navigation Label
More information on setting up the navigation menu
##Setting the featured category
Lastly, there is one other option available to you when using categories. While on the tab Home page customization within PBJ Options, scroll up to the section marked Featured category. The category selected in this drop-down menu will show up in the main boxes on the top of your front page. It's recommended that you keep this selected on Featured as it will allow you to choose specific articles to show up in the featured box while you are editing.
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